About Us
History of University:
Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda has been established as a full-fledged State University, having unique honour of being the “First Agricultural University of Bundelkhand Region”. The University was notified vide Government Order No. 301/79-V-1-10-1 (Ka) 27-2009 Lucknow and established on 2nd March 2010 under Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University Act (Sanshodhan) 1958 Gazette-Adhiniyam 2010. Initially it was named as “Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda”, which was changed as “Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda” vide Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University Act (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2014, No. 1528(2)/LXXIX-V-1-14-1(Ka)-13-2014 dated 4th December 2014.
The University has been established for the development of the agriculture and allied sectors in the Uttar Pradesh on the whole and Bundelkhand region in particular. It is committed to serve the Bundelkhand region with trinity concept, i.e. complete integration of teaching, research and extension for the development of agriculture and allied sectors in order to ensure food security and enhance socio-economic status of inhabitants. State Government of Uttar Pradesh has assigned the University with the responsibilities of (a) human resource generation and development, (b) generation and perfection of technologies, and (c) their dissemination to the farmers, orchardists and dairy farmers in the Chitrakoot Dham and Jhansi divisions. The Chirtrkoot Dham Division consists of four districts, namely Banda, Chitrakoot (Karvi), Mahoba and Hamirpur whereas Jhansi Division consists of Jhansi, Lalitpur and Jalaun (Orai) districts.

The University is committed to the cause of Indian Agriculture through its quality teaching, demand-driven and location-specific research and extension programmes in the light of dynamism of socio-economic and agro-ecological conditions, management perceptions, international trade’s scenarios and Government policies.
Mandate of the University:
- Teaching:
- To create human resource, trained in agricultural and allied sciences that may cater the need of 21st century. To produce, scientifically and technically sound graduates with entrepreneurial skills, who can provide employment to unemployed rural and urban youths.
- To generate technically-sound humans who can apply their acquired knowledge and skills to diversify and industrialize agriculture for socio-economic transformation of the rural society.
- Development of technical skills for coordinating agriculture with industry.
- Research:
- To generate innovative agriculture technology to make Indian Agriculture globally competitive.
- To apply all possible sources of scientific interventions to the solution of the technical and practical problems of agriculture.
- To boost up basic research to accelerate the progress of agriculture with the inputs of fundamental knowledge.
- To solve the specific agriculture related problems, being faced by farming community.
- To formulate specific package of practices for optimization of farmers’income of different holding sizes viz. large, medium, small and marginal.
- Extension:
- To disseminate the innovative agriculture technologies among the farmers.
- To establish partnership with farmers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in agriculture for mutual benefit.
- To make the agriculture technology more demand driven.
- To facilitate validation, demonstration and adoption of appropriate agro-technologies.
- To achieve economic and environmental sustainability through integrated management of productivity, production, marketing and end use of farm produce.